Ooh la la! French shop owners mail the prime minister hundreds of panties in protest
France – The French prime minister's mailbox has been flooded with lots of cheeky mail lately!

Lingerie shop owners in France are protesting the nation's coronavirus rules armed with some lacy arsenal.
The Action Culottee started after the fashion businesses were declared non-essential and had to close their doors during the pandemic.
They then decided to strike back to save their stores – with protest panties!
The group has begun mailing ladies' underwear to the prime minister's residence in Paris.
The vendors shared photos on social media of their underwear packages addressed directly to Prime Minister Jean Castex at the Hotel Matignon, his official Paris home.
"We want to draw attention to the very critical situation that hundreds of lingerie stores across France are going through," said the protest's Facebook page.
The small business owners feel they've been neglected with little government support. They also note the unfairness in supermarkets – which remain open – being allowed to sell garments like underwear without restriction.
Sylvie Rey, a shop owner involved with the movement, feels that underwear is essential because it is both practical and sensual.
"For many people, panties are fun, they represent seduction. But it's still the first thing you put on in the morning," she said.
Rey also noted that her shop was important for women who have immediate needs for specific bra fittings – for example, mothers who need special nursing bras that are time sensitive.
She carefully picked out a pair of turquoise panties with lace to prove her point to the prime minister.
Cover photo: Screenshot/Facebook/Nathalie Paredes