China calls for "negotiations" to end Israel-Gaza and Russia-Ukraine conflicts

Beijing, China - Beijing has called for an end to both the Israel-Gaza war and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. According to China's defense minister, the only solution to both conflicts is "negotiation."

China's defense minister Dong Jun called for negotiations to take place to end the Israel-Gaza war and the Ukraine conflict with Russia.
China's defense minister Dong Jun called for negotiations to take place to end the Israel-Gaza war and the Ukraine conflict with Russia.  © AFP/Adek Berry

Weighing in on both Russia's war in Ukraine and the ongoing conflict in Gaza, Chinese defense minister Dong Jun on Friday called for negotiations at a global gathering of security and military leaders in Beijing.

The Xiangshan Forum hosted representatives from a range of nations including Russia, Germany, Iran, and Pakistan this week and is used by Beijing as a way to cast itself as a mediator of international conflict.

On the issues of Ukraine and Gaza, Beijing asserted that the only solution to both conflicts is through more thorough "negotiation," and positioned China as a neutral player.

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"To resolve hotspot issues such as the crisis in Ukraine and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, promoting peace and negotiation is the only way out," Defense Minister Dong Sun said in remarks made during the opening ceremony.

"There is no winner in war and conflict, and confrontation leads nowhere," Dong said. "The more acute the conflict, the more we cannot give up dialogue and consultation. The end of any conflict is reconciliation."

To achieve peace, Dong asked for global leaders to promote, "Peaceful development and inclusive governance."

China has repeatedly come under fire from the US and its allies for supplying Russia with what are known as "dual-use goods," or nonlethal computer systems and chips utilized by Russia in technology deployed in Ukraine.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in April called on China to step in on Iran and Israel, urging Beijing to put pressure on Iran to avoid escalation.

"Escalation is not in anyone's interest," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at the time when referencing Blinken's request. "Countries should urge Iran not to escalate."

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The US' deputy assistant secretary of defense Michael Chase (r.) attending the forum alongside other defense leaders from around the world.
The US' deputy assistant secretary of defense Michael Chase (r.) attending the forum alongside other defense leaders from around the world.  © Collage: AFP/Adek Berry

Despite calling for a thawing of international tensions, Defense Minister Dong took aim at the US for putting tariffs and sanctions on Chinese goods over the last few months.

Dong urged against US national security concerns standing in the way of "new technologies" that could "better mankind."

Instead, he asked for strategic alignment and better consultations between world leaders.

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"At a time of high global security risks and increased instability and unpredictability, the responsibility for building the defense and security capacity of all countries is enormous," Dong said.

The forum, which was attended by 20 defense ministers from around the world and about 700 delegates, also saw the appearance of Michael Chase, the US' deputy assistant secretary of defense.

Chase had been rumored to be attending the Xiangshan forum for days, with Chinese Army Lieutenant General He Lei saying that he hoped the US diplomat would, "listen more to the voices of China and the Chinese military."

Concerns set for discussion include escalating conflict in the South China Sea, the issue of Taiwan, and, as Defense Minister Dong Jun brought attention to, both the Israel-Gaza war and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

When approached for by the AFP at the forum, Chase declined to comment.

Cover photo: AFP/Adek Berry

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