Mother can't stop laughing when she sees the picture her son drew
Internet - Parents usually love the drawings their children make, but one mother couldn't hold back a laugh at the sight of the picture her son showed her.

Jacqueline Allemandy posted her seven-year-old son's unusual artwork in the Facebook group FAMILY LOCKDOWN TIPS & IDEAS.
She wrote, "Josephs homework... It's a 'cat hunter'...Apparently he’s holding a weapon..I don't think I will be able to look his teacher in the eye tomorrow." She also included several laugh emojis.
Upon closer inspection, it becomes very clear why the mother feels embarrassed. The supposed gun the person is holding in front of his lower midsection looks more like male genitalia than a firearm!
Many Facebook users couldn't contain their laughter, and the post received over 5,600 likes.
"Oh to be a fly on the wall to see the teachers face! This pic has made my day and im sure it will make hers too lol x," wrote one user.
"Wow!! U should frame it for his 18th ha ha! Xx," commented another.
Allemandy couldn't believe the huge response to her post, thanking everyone and saying she was looking forward to sharing some laughs with her son about it when he turns 18.
Cover photo: Screenshot/Facebook/Jacqueline Allemandy/FAMILY LOCKDOWN TIPS & IDEAS