Meet Rumeysa, the world's longest baby and tallest woman
Turkey - For most, the prospect of getting a world record is something worthy of note, but for Rumeysa, once the world's longest baby and now the tallest woman in the world, it is just a fact of life.

There are few people in the world who hold more world records and have held on to their world records for as long as Rumeysa, a Turkish woman who has been both the longest baby and the tallest woman throughout the course of her life.
It doesn't stop there either, with this remarkable lady holding multiple other accolades all as a result of her unusual genetics. This is her story.
Rumeysa was first the world's longest baby, then its tallest woman
Rumeysa Gelgi is currently celebrating ten years since she first entered the Guinness World Records, having managed to claim the title of tallest female teenager. Since then, she has managed to earn a number of different world records, not just for her height but also for some of her other features.
Now 27 years old, Rumeysa is recognized as having been the longest female baby ever recorded, at one foot and 11 inches in length. She has grown since then, of course, and is now famous for her extraordinary height as well as the size of her back, her ears, and even more.
For the most part, her world records hold a special place in her heart for being a part of what makes her unique. They haven't come without their own set of troubles, though, and she has to walk with a walking-frame aid to keep her mobile. Luckily, Rumeysa has said that the recognition provided through the awards themselves has "had a very positive impact" on her mental health.
Here are a few of the world records Rumeysa holds:
- Tallest living woman (7 feet, 0.7 inches)
- Longest finger on a living female human (4.40 in)
- Widest hand span on a living female human (8.9 in)
- Largest hands on a living female human (right hand 9.81 in, left hand 9.55 in)
- Longest back on a living female human (23.58 in)
- Longest baby (1 ft, 11 in)
Since beginning her world record-holding journey, Rumeysa Gelgi has even starred in a feature-length documentary (viewable below), which follows her life and tells an inspirational story that is meant to "spread her message of kindness and acceptance of those with visible differences."
"Over the last decade, I've had an incredible journey with Guinness World Records," Rumeysa said in an interview with the organization. "I have had many opportunities to share my story and outlook, even in places I never dreamed of reaching."
"I have received a lot of empowering messages from the public after being introduced as a record holder; I felt that I could turn my unique condition, which was seen like something very bad, into a blessing for myself."
Why is Rumeysa so unbelievably long and tall?
Rumeysa was born so big and grew to be so tall due to a rare condition called Weaver syndrome. This is a genetic issue that causes severe bone overgrowth, making those who suffer from it not only overly tall but susceptible to having unusual bodily features as well as a range of both physical and intellectual disabilities. It is extremely rare, with only about 50 cases known in the world.
While it can have very harsh and sometimes dangerous side effects, it is also perfectly possible for victims of Weaver syndrome to live very long and happy lives, with their health left alone by the condition, apart from a few minor physical implications.
For Rumeysa, while the condition has taken its toll here and there, it has also given her the motivation to become a highly successful world record holder and an advocate for people with physical disabilities. In particular, she started her journey by wanting to get a record for something that had led her to be bullied for much of her life.
"My motivation for breaking this record is my ears are obviously large, and this has unfortunately been one of the main things I've been bullied for throughout my entire life," she explained to Guinness World Records. "I was even told to undergo cosmetic surgery to 'fix' my ears, even though I never needed to do it."
"I receive a lot of questions about my ears, such as if they cause a problem," said Rumeysa. "My ears don't cause any discomfort for me. Actually, having large ears brings some benefits – I have an impressive hearing ability. I can even hear people whispering in other rooms of the house.
"The main message I hope to convey to everyone through breaking these records is sometimes people make you believe what you have is a curse, but it can actually make you a multiple record breaker."
Rumeysa's crazy achievements have not made life easy for her. Yet, throughout her remarkable life, she has become far more than the definitions of her many world records. Well done to her!
Cover photo: imago/Xinhua