Viral Video of the Day for May 16, 2024: Baby sneeze goes absolutely haywire: "Are you okay?"

In today's Viral Video of the Day, a mom was holding her baby in bed when, all of a sudden, she sneezed and toppled over.

Viral Video of the Day

In the clip, mom Deanna holds the baby up with her legs until the little one lets out a gigantic sneeze!

The baby then topples forward, resulting in absolute hilarity for the entire family.

"that sneeze almost took her out," one viewer commented.

Check it out:

Today's Viral Video of the Day features an adorable baby with a mighty sneeze!
Today's Viral Video of the Day features an adorable baby with a mighty sneeze!  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@deannacz1

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Viral videos brighten up everyone's day, so be sure to laugh and then pass it on. TAG, you're it!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@deannacz1

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