Viral Video of the Day for June 25, 2024: Cute little girl or giggly dolphin? You decide!

In today's Viral Video of the Day, a little girl shocked viewers when a noise she made sounded exactly like a dolphin!

Viral Video of the Day

She speaks fluent dolphin-ese!

In the clip, the baby patiently waits for the doctor by entertaining herself with funny noises.

"When the mechanic asks me what kinda sound my car was making," one viewer commented.

Check it out:

Today's Viral Video of the Day features a little girl who gave her best dolphin impression while waiting at the doctor's office.
Today's Viral Video of the Day features a little girl who gave her best dolphin impression while waiting at the doctor's office.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@lilgremlinboi

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Viral videos brighten up everyone's day, so be sure to laugh and then pass it on. TAG, you're it!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@lilgremlinboi

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