Woman buys secondhand blazer and makes mysterious discovery in pocket
High Point, North Carolina - A woman made a special discovery in the jacket she bought at a thrift store.

JoAnn Murray spotted a gorgeous red blazer at a thrift shop and knew she had to have it! When she got home and started showing it off to her husband, she realized there was a small note pinned inside a pocket.
This wasn't a shopping list, receipt, or even money as people sometimes find in secondhand clothes. Rather, it was a handwritten reminder of someone's very important plans.
The message read, "Bury me in this red suit."
When JoAnn's husband Scott posted the little directive to Facebook, people around the globe chimed in about how eerie the note was. But some thought that it was sweet that the jacket went to someone who would really appreciate it.
It's not known who the jacket belonged to, and it is also unclear whether the previous owner has actually already died.
But the fact is, the new owner is delighted with the colorful jacket.
Cover photo: Collage/Facebook/Scott Murray