TikTok user shows what she's hiding in her closet and people love it

Internet- Remember that scene from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when little Lucy discovers the mysterious wardrobe that opens up into a new world? That's similar to what happens in TikTok user Jaylie Holte's clip.

Where does this tiny door lead? (collage)
Where does this tiny door lead? (collage)  © Screenshot/TikTok/jaylie.holte

Jaylie Holte uploaded a video in which she shows her 553,500 followers where her "wardrobe" leads.

Jaylie opens the double wooden doors of her closet and pushes aside a few pieces of clothing to reveal another door. She proceeds to open this smaller door that leads to a tiny closet.

Suddenly, the camera turns the corner, and viewers see a cute, cave-like hideaway.

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The room contains a comfy bed, a flat-screen TV, and fairy lights.

Who wouldn't want a secret cozy TV room like this one? It would be perfect for a Netflix and chill session.

This clip already has more than 58.9 million views, and TikTok users think it's awesome.

Tons of users shared their enthusiasm: "This is so cool I'd love this!" Others claim that they would live there.

But not everyone is thrilled by the little hidden TV room. Some are skeptical about the lock on the outside of the tiny door, and still more users wanted to how Jaylie got the bed and TV in there considering how tiny the hallway is.

Cover photo: Screenshot/TikTok/jaylie.holte

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