Hundreds of Joshes battle it out with pool noodles for the Ultimate Josh title

Lincoln, Nebraska – A bored college student named Josh Swain organized a massive pool noodle fight for Joshes all over the country to determine who was The Ultimate Josh. It was a strange sight to some, but a year in the making for hundreds of people of all ages who shared something important: their first name.

When fun turns serious: on April 24, 2021, countless Joshes gathered to defend their name.
When fun turns serious: on April 24, 2021, countless Joshes gathered to defend their name.  © Reddit/Screenshot/BleedBigRed2019

College student Josh Swain had already grown bored of the pandemic in April of last year. That's when he took to Facebook to send out a message to every person he could find who shared his first name, "You're probably wondering why I gathered you here."

"Because we all have the same name?" one of the Joshes replied, to which Swain replied, "Precisely, 4/24/2021, 12:00PM, meet at these coordinates 40.8223286, -96.7982002. We fight, whoever wins gets to keep the name, everyone else has to change their name, you have a year to prepare, good luck"

Of course, it should have been obvious to most that this wasn't entirely serious, but still, the screenshot of the group message went viral, even making it to ESPN. Other Joshes from all over the country made plans to travel to Nebraska for the event.

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Then the whole event got a little out of hand, because while many joked about actually hosting the fight, others seemed to be completely serious.

Josh Swain, the man in charge of the "Josh Fight," recaps it all on Twitter

Josh's original coordinates from Facebook led to someone else's private property!

Though Swain retreated from the public eye after his original post, he now had no choice but to speak out after a user on Reddit verified the coordinates Swain had provided and pointed out that these led to a non-Josh's private property.

"To be completely honest, I never had any intention of this actually taking place, I just randomly picked coordinates," Swain wrote in response, contrite.

Since he didn't want hundreds of people to suddenly show up on a stranger's property on the day of the fight, and by now it looked like the event was really going to happen, he publicly moved the location on his Reddit profile.

Then the day came!

The winner of the internet battle was five-year-old Little Josh

Within minutes, the place was filled with people who couldn't wait to finally be a part of this spectacle.

Of course, the event was hosted by none other than Swain himself, who kicked off the day with a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" between himself and the only other Josh Swain in attendance – and won.

Then, a giant pool noodle melee began between anyone else with the first name of Josh, pictures of which are currently making the rounds on social media.

The winner of the battle was a five-year-old boy who the internet has dubbed #LittleJosh and #KingJosh.

In total, Josh Swain was able to raise over $10,000 dollars through the event, which he donated to a children's hospital in Oklahoma.

Cover photo: Reddit/Screenshot/BleedBigRed2019

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