Alien man's latest body modification hasn't just affected his looks
France – Anthony Loffredo's mission is to look like an alien, and he has already gone to extreme lengths to achieve his goal. Now, Anthony has had another procedure, and the consequences aren't just visual.

The 32-year-old has already had his nose cut off, his eyeballs tattooed black, and his ears completely removed.
But the wannabe alien still wasn't fully satisfied with his looks.
According to the New York Post, the Frenchman recently had his upper lip removed.
But this isn't the first extreme body modification Anthony has had on his face: his tongue is also split in two.
If people had a hard time understanding his motivation for modification before now, things are going to be even more difficult: without an upper lip, the Black Alien now has trouble speaking.
But this side effect hasn't phased Anthony Loffredo.
On Instagram, where he also posts regular updates on his "project," he recently revealed that he would love to remove his skin and have it replaced with metal.
Anthony reports no problems with the opposite sex

But that's not all the alien man wants to modify. Right now, he said his arms, legs, fingers, and the back of his head are next on the list.
Anthony doesn't just share photos on Instagram of his current appearance. He also shows his 282,000 followers how he used to look with throwback selfies.
In his old photos, the young man looks pretty normal: he's got a six-pack and a few tattoos. Now, he doesn't look much like his former self.
But Anthony doesn't have any regrets about his extreme looks and says he doesn't have any problems attracting members of the opposite sex either.
Flirting might be more of a challenge now that Anthony can't speak very well, but maybe that extra air of mystery is what he's going for.
Cover photo: Instagram/Screenshots/the_black_alien_project