Massachusetts family hires treasure hunter to find late grandfather's hidden legacy

Massachusetts – What an incredible find, proving once again that giving up is simply not an option.

After just one hour, the treasure hunter found what he was looking for!
After just one hour, the treasure hunter found what he was looking for!  © YouTube/Screenshot/RediscoverLost

A family from Massachusetts was confident that before his death, their grandfather had hidden a treasure somewhere in their house – but where?

They had been planning to move out for years but couldn't bring themselves to do so until they discovered their loved one's legacy.

After years of futile searching, the family finally decided to make one last attempt and hired a real-life treasure hunter!

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On his YouTube channel RediscoverLost, metal detectorist Keith Willie, who has made it his mission to recover lost treasure for over a decade now, documented the search for his "most exciting find to date."

"Most of the hints and clues we had turned out to not be true," he recalled. But he didn't think about giving up!

He kept looking for small, inconspicuous things that somehow seemed to be slightly out of place – and his efforts proved successful.

It only took Willie about an hour to find what he was looking for – in a corner of the attic under the floorboards!

Check out the exciting treasure hunt on YouTube:

The treasure amounted to well over $400,000!

Both Keith Willie and the family could hardly believe their eyes when they saw the money!
Both Keith Willie and the family could hardly believe their eyes when they saw the money!  © YouTube/Screenshot/RediscoverLost

When he opened up the floor and pulled out a small chest from underneath, everyone was left amazed.

It was huge – and filled to the brim with money!

"Oh look at that, I see 20s and I see 10s," Keith said as he looked through the bundles, all of which counted for $5000!

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Willie noted that the box contained $46,000 in total and said the notes were already so old that they might be actually worth a lot more today.

And indeed!

On his website, the treasure hunter later stated that his find was worth a total of $421,603.

Cover photo: Bildmontage: YouTube/Screenshot/RediscoverLost (2)

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