New Jersey declared "safe haven" for transgender people with new executive order

Trenton, New Jersey - New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy on Monday signed a new executive order to make the state a "safe haven" for trans and non-binary people seeking gender-affirming care.

Governor Phil Murphy (c.) has signed an executive order to protect access to gender-affirming care in New Jersey.
Governor Phil Murphy (c.) has signed an executive order to protect access to gender-affirming care in New Jersey.  © Screenshot/Twitter/GovMurphy

Amid the growing rightwing attack on LGBTQ+ rights, Democratic Governor Phil Murphy struck a different tone by signing Executive Order 326 to safeguard access to gender-affirming care.

The executive action directs state departments and agencies to protect people providing, receiving, and traveling to obtain gender-affirming health care.

The order also prohibits New Jersey officials from cooperating with other states' investigations into whether trans or non-binary people sought gender-affirming care in the Garden State and bars extradition to other states.

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"Across the nation, we are witnessing attacks led by certain states that seek to undermine the equality, dignity, and safety of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially transgender and nonbinary youth," Murphy said in a statement. "As leaders, our greatest responsibility is ensuring that every person we represent, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression, is entitled to respect, fairness, and freedom."

"We will continue to uphold these principles in New Jersey and support every person’s right to live freely and authentically by making our state a safe haven for those seeking or providing gender-affirming health care," he insisted.

LGBTQ+ rights activists celebrate Governor Murphy's executive order

Transgender rights are under attack in Republican-controlled states around the country.
Transgender rights are under attack in Republican-controlled states around the country.  © REUTERS

LGBTQ+ rights activists across the state celebrated Murphy's executive order on Monday.

"When transgender youth are under attack across the country, this gives me hope," youth activist Rebekah Bruesehoff said in the governor's press release. "I have always been grateful to live in New Jersey, but I am especially proud now to see my state take action that will protect and support not only me but my friends in states across the country. Transgender kids and teens like me just want to live our lives and be ourselves."

"I cannot possibly overstate the importance of this action," added her mother, Jamie Bruesehoff. "Families like mine across the country are being made into political refugees because of their state governments. They are hurting and scared. Kids like Rebekah should get to be kids instead of fighting political bullies. I’m so grateful to Governor Murphy for his continued leadership, and I’m proud to be a New Jerseyan."

The announcement of the executive order came just days after International Transgender Day of Visibility and the launch of a new website providing critical information for trans and non-binary New Jersey residents.

Cover photo: Screenshot/Twitter/GovMurphy

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