Joke of the Day for September 12, 2023: Get your funny on

Today's Joke of the Day comes to TAG24 as a reader submission from Steven Eisenpreis in New York, New York. Here's a T-Swift funny to help you Shake It Off with some laughs.

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Joke of the Day

Question: What did Taylor Swift say when her date wanted to take her to the New York Philharmonic?

Answer: "We are never ever getting Bach together!"

Today's Joke of the Day features a Taylor Swift funny.
Today's Joke of the Day features a Taylor Swift funny.  © RODRIGO OROPEZA / AFP (TAG24 edit)

Check out more jokes here:

A lighthearted joke can help laugh away the day. So spread the sillies and pass on your favorite. TAG, you're it!

Cover photo: RODRIGO OROPEZA / AFP (TAG24 edit)

More on Joke of the Day: