Here are the New Year's resolutions you should avoid depending on your zodiac sign

New Year's resolutions are all about self-improvement – but some zodiac signs are perfect as they are. This resolution horoscope can help you craft one that suits your sign's needs!

Don't make a resolution for 2025 that doesn't suit your star sign.
Don't make a resolution for 2025 that doesn't suit your star sign.  © Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

Making New Year's resolutions can be grand, but you don't want to make a promise that isn't worth keeping!

Are you thinking about making a resolution to lose some weight, get in better shape, get organized, or ditch that bad habit? Great.

But what should you really work on?

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Astrologically speaking, there may be some resolutions that are best for your zodiac sign to steer clear of.

Let the stars help you avoid making a resolution that isn't right for you!

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Don't be more adventurous

If you go seeking out any more adventure, you're bound to end up in a world of pain, Aries. Besides, it's already in your bold nature to reach for the flame. Consider resolving your impulsive nature by working on reflection instead.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Don't take your time

Wandering about at your own reflected pace is definitely an earth sign thing. But if your resolution involves intent to go any slower or be more mindful, you may get stuck. Taurus, this is a celestial reminder to get out of your slow-moving comfort zone! Seek out surprise and speed by travelling or starting up conversations with strangers. Who knows, you may even trip in your haste and fall in love.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Don't find love

It's time to be honest, Gemini. You love to love – and you love everyone. It's why you flit around from friendship to relationship and back without pause or serious conversation. Love isn't hard for you to find. What you really need to work on is finding some depth, balance, and strength for the more serious side of life.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Don't be mindful

Yes, mindfulness is key, but so is action! Don't resolve to be more aware or mindful of anything! If you do, you'll get caught in a trap of endless feelings, most of which don't even belong to you! You already feel enough, why not work on getting buff?

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Don't listen more

Being able to listen is hard for a Leo like you, but you do it just fine. Don't resolve to listen more and talk less just because someone called you bossy last week. You're smart and can get stuff done in or out of the limelight. You might need to focus more on being a little less flippant or dramatic.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Don't get organized

Don't you dare try to pay attention to or control any more details, Virgo. It's time to step back from your endless itemized lists and work on living. You don't need a pro and con spreadsheet to figure out what to bring on that weekend getaway or yoga retreat. You just need to go and not overthink.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Don't budget better

Millions of Americans resolve to save more money or be better with their finances. You don't need to do that, Libra. Stop fiddling with your Excel budget or wondering where you can save a cent or two. Your budget is as balanced as it is gonna get. Work on enjoying your hard-earned cash!

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Don't get in shape

You are exactly the size you need to be right now, Scorpio. If you resolve to spend any more time in the gym, you're going to lose your mysterious edge. You'll get too tough and easy to predict. Don't lose your transformative magic!

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Don't try new things

Being open to change is great, but Sagittarius, you do not need to resolve to try anything new. You already buy the strangest flavored soda and snack you can find. You try plenty of new foods, hobbies, and relationships, what you need to work on is following through. Perhaps resolve to work on commitment.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Don't cut down on booze

If you get any more regimented or better behaved, then you're going to be a human machine. That isn't the goal you should go for. Have a drink and take a beat while listening to the music. Maybe even lose yourself and forget about getting the perfect amount of sleep.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Don't read more books

As an intellectual sign, you've got a reading list that will hold you over to 2032. You don't need to resolve to join another book club or pursue another cause. Consider dedicating some time to delving into emotions. After all, you don't want the slightest feeling to send you running back to your book stacks.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Don't say yes

You are one optimistic fish and tend to overestimate your abilities to do it all. You constantly say yes to projects, going out every night, and to working out. But no one can do everything all the time. Work on boundaries, you people pleaser, you. Don't let your natural positivity become toxic!

Regardless of what you do or don't resolve to do in the new year, we hope your 2025 is as special as it can possibly be!

Cover photo: Unsplash/Tim Mossholder

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