Everything about Sagittarius season: Dates, traits, and compatibility
Welcome to Sagittarius season 2023! Here's everything you need to know about this optimistic fire sign and its season: the dates, traits, romantic compatibility, and celebrity star sign mates.

Happy Sag Season!
The sun moves into this mutable sign on November 22 and stays there until December 21.
If Scorpio season was about introspection, Sagittarius season is all about breaking out of your shell.
When the sun shines in this sign, it's time to embrace adventure and optimism.
Those born under this sign are natural warriors and cheerleaders. The days may be getting dark outside, but this season and those born under this sign will encourage you to find the light in every situation.
Sagittarius facts
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and it's a mutable fire sign, meaning standing still is not its thing. It's symbolized by the centaur, a half-man and horse figure, with a bow and arrow. Those born under this sign love quests and aim for the truth.
Ruled by the planet Jupiter, going big is this sign's thing. Sagittarius' colors are like the sunset, deep purple, fiery yellow, and red.
Sagittarius traits
As a fire sign with an affinity for movement, those born under Sagittarius are all about galloping off on adventures, working on multiple projects, and shouting battle cries. But unlike other more intense and steadfast fire signs like Aries, they tend to see the humor and lightness in most situations.
Sags have an intellectual side and seek the answers to life's questions with a curious, optimistic intensity. They love to have fun and to encourage everyone around them. They're some of the best motivators out there.
On the flip side, this sign doesn't always consider the effect their actions have on others. They mean well, but can get themselves into trouble with their rash activity, and sometimes think about the impact they have as an afterthought.
Sagittarius compatibility
If you're looking for a fast-paced lover who is always up for trying new things and going on an adventure too, then this sign is the right partner for you to be in a romantic relationship with. This sign is best matched with other fire signs and air signs that embrace excitement and change.
Sometimes when they're caught up in the excitement of an idea, Sagittariuses can be very rash and insensitive, which is why they don't always jive with sensitive water signs like Cancer, Pisces, or Scorpio.
Sags' sizzling energy and tendency to exaggerate can rub chill earth signs the wrong way.
Sagittarius celebrities

It shouldn't come as a surprise that some of the most captivating celebrities were born under this sign. A Sagittarius knows how to light up a room with their stories, laughter, and charm.
They also know how to captivate. Which celebs are born under this zodiac sign?
Think Billie Eilish's haunting and moving melodies and actor Brad Pitt's compelling performances.
The singer-songwriter extraordinaire Taylor Swift is also a Sagittarius, and she can clearly move millions all over the world.
Those born under this sign always go big. Case in point: Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears.
What do you need to know about Scorpio season 2023?
Sagittarius season encourages each of the twelve signs to embrace change and grow. This season may fill many a sign with an excitable, restless energy.
Though in 2023 Sagittarius season could be a bit fraught, the planet of love is no longer in an exulted position. That could make some relationships tricky. Many a sign will have to tread carefully and make sure they think before they leap this season.
Let Sagittarius season 2023 inspire you to do new things. And don't forget to check out your TAG24 daily and monthly horoscopes to learn more about the astrological vibes coming your way!
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