Leap Day horoscope: What your zodiac sign should do with this year's bonus day

Happy Leap Day! Since 2024 has a bonus 24 hours, it's only right that your horoscope meets the moment with some extra advice for how your star sign can make the most of this special day!

Your leap day horoscope knows how you should spend your bonus day based on your zodiac sign.
Your leap day horoscope knows how you should spend your bonus day based on your zodiac sign.  © 123r/znm

Even though leap years are really just a matter of math, they're special.

After all, they only happen once every four years, so why not look at February 29 as a big bonus from the universe?

So what should you do with the gift of time?

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Your Leap Day astrological reading can help you work out where your energies are best spent according to your zodiac sign!

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Leap repeatedly

Leap for joy repeatedly. Do it till you're tired, feel like you've gotten a work out or, tingle with an odd sense of exuberance.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Take an extra long bubble bath

More hours in the day, it's luxury time! Pour the bath and add extra bubbles. Lock the door, turn off your phone, and simply soak.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Talk to a stranger

Give into your desire to tell someone you don't know that they seem interesting. Worst case scenario, you'll scare some strangers or talk to tons of people before you start a cool conversation.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Have dessert

Cancer, you'll start the day hoping to understand your emotions. But by the end of it, even a cute cat video will have you feeling deeply. Treat yourself to dessert and let your inner self show!

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Sing at the top of your lungs

Belt out the song that dwells in your heart. Sing in the shower or on the street you majestic being. Leap day is by definition extra, fill it with special actions and call attention to yourself.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Stick to your plan

Sure, leap day is special, but it's also just another day. You've had it planned for ages. Maybe you'll take an extra five minutes to dream up new projects, but otherwise you don't see the point in deviations.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Go hard for love

An extra 24 hours means just one thing, Libra. More time for matters of the heart. Tell your sweet pea you love them. Flirt with the cutie sitting next to you on the bus or subway, or your coffee joint crush. Leap into love, baby.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Prank someone

Drop the mystery and cause a little mayhem, Scorpio. Surprise someone with your usually hidden sense of humor, pull a funny prank.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Create a leap year cocktail

Create a new cocktail or mocktail from whatever you find in your pantry. Think peanut butter and rum shaken with potato chip garnish. Enjoy the experimentation.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Go to work

Leap year, shmeap year... You're only interested in working towards more success, and today is merely an additional opportunity to put your grind mindset into practice.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Do a good deed

You leap at any chance to help your fellow human. Get active, sign a petition, make a donation, or help someone cross the street.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Do a 24-hour project

Play hooky from work and follow your passion. Create something crazy, an elaborate meal, or write a play in 24 hours. Today is all about making the time for self-expression.

Cover photo: 123r/znm

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