Today's horoscope: Free daily horoscope for Monday, December 12, 2022

Whichever way the winds are blowing at the start of a new week, let the daily horoscope for Monday, December 12, guide you down the right path. Get your dose of astrological wisdom right here!

Your free horoscope on Monday, December 12, 2022

Your personal and free daily horoscope for Monday, 12/12/2022.
Your personal and free daily horoscope for Monday, 12/12/2022.  © 123RF/sarayutsy

For some zodiac signs, there's a very special energy in the air at the beginning of this new week. You'll feel the wind at your back, and a healthy dose of Monday motivation will give you the boost you need to solve any and all problems.

Others are best served by taking it easy and lying low. A time-out can do wonders for both body and mind!

The daily horoscope for Monday, December 12, has useful advice no matter what the circumstances. Get in touch with your star sign's cosmic energy and let the constellations brighten up your day!

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Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces – open your heart to the messages the universe is trying to send you!

Destiny lies ahead – all you have to do is take a step forward.

Aries horoscope: March 21 - April 19

You can achieve your short-term goals with one big push! Takes that require accuracy and precision are favored, take advantage of this promising moment.

Taurus horoscope: April 20 - May 20

Keep a cool head. You'll master a difficult situation by being decisive and active, rather than hesitant and passive. With a little patience, your problems will soon be solved.

Gemini horoscope: May 21 - June 20

Turbulent days lie ahead, a lot of things are coming at you. Take some time for yourself and get your thoughts straight. Stay the course at work, even if no major career leap is imminent.

Cancer horoscope: June 21 - July 22

It's high time you tool a rest and shifted into a lower gear. You shouldn't put too much strain on your mind or your body. A lot of things can be put off until later.

Leo horoscope: July 23 - August 22

An old companion crosses your path. Your plans can be put into practice and bring you one step closer to the finishing line. Have patience and don't be too ambitious. Keep your eye on the prize, Leo!

Virgo horoscope: August 23 - September 22

The problems at work will disappear on their own. You'll soon realize that your fears were unnecessary, so don't give into them and listen to your gut instead. It's a good time to make big decisions.

Libra horoscope: September 23 - October 22

You are in a good mood and bubbling over with ideas, which helps you find solutions for even the trickiest of conundrums. You can also rely on the advice of a good friend who already has experience with similar matters.

Scorpio horoscope: October 23 - November 21

If there are any difficult or time-consuming tasks ahead, now's the right time to tackle them. Don't let anything get you down and keep your positive energy, this attitude will help you sort everything out.

Sagittarius horoscope: November 22 - December 21

Take your time and don't rush into anything, your tendency to make rash decisions at work is undermining you. Treat yourself to some time off on the couch and just relax!

Capricorn horoscope: December 22 - January 19

Couples should work on expressing their desires clearly and openly. Your partner can't be expected to read your mind. At the same time, give their concerns and wishes the consideration they deserve.

Aquarius horoscope: January 20 - February 18

Mercury is signaling a mental restlessness, which might manifest itself in strong feelings for someone close. Trust your heart and approach things with serenity, Aquarius.

Pisces horoscope: February 19 - March 20

Your confident mood, enthusiasm, and cheerfulness are worth preserving at all costs. They are infectious and spread joy to those around you. You feel the need to take care of others, but be careful not to patronize anyone.

Cover photo: 123RF/sarayutsy

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