Real life Baby Genius: Toddler makes history with an off-the-charts IQ!

Los Angeles, California – One Einstein-esque baby is making people geek out!

Kashe Quest became the youngest member ever to be accepted into American Mensa.
Kashe Quest became the youngest member ever to be accepted into American Mensa.  © Collage: screnshot/Instagram/Kashe Quest

Kashe Quest is just two years old, but is wise beyond her years.

Instead of merely wearing diapers, the tiny tot has already grown into a smarty-pants!

Her recorded IQ is an astronomical 146.

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The toddler has recently made history as the youngest member ever to be accepted into American Mensa, the largest and oldest intelligence quotient society in the world. Mensa only admits people who receive IQ scores that are in the top 2% of the population. Most people have an IQ score between 85 and 115.

Anyone can take an admission test and apply for acceptance to the group. Its oldest member was 106.

Sukhjit Athwal, Kashe's mother, said she started to realize her daughter was not an ordinary child.

"We started to notice her memory was really great. She just picked up things really fast and she was really interested in learning," she told Fox 11 Los Angeles.

"At about 17, 18 months, she had recognized all the alphabet, numbers, colors, and shapes," she added.

A prodigy in the making

Kashe is already learning how to read.
Kashe is already learning how to read.  © Collage: screnshot/Instagram/Kashe Quest

Kashe can also identify all 50 states by location on a map and shape. She can count to 100, identify elements on the periodic table by their symbols, and is learning to read.

The average person learns to read around six or seven years old.

The gifted toddler even knows over 50 signs in sign language and is quickly learning Spanish, in addition to her mastery of English.

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Her mother says that even though Kashe is an exception, she still has tantrums and bouts of "the terrible twos," like any kid her age. She just has a higher understanding of what she's being told and fully absorbs most things going on around her.

Kashe's IQ was determined by standardized intelligence tests that evaluated skills in language, math, memory, spacial awareness, and mental capacity.

The person with the highest recorded IQ score ever is 74-year-old magazine columnist Marilyn vos Savant, according to the Guinness Book of Records. She was recorded as having a whopping IQ of 228 as a 10-year-old.

However, the publication retired the category afterwards, saying human intelligence was impossible to accurately judge. They believe her actual IQ was 132.

Savant's last name fittingly means "learned" or "wise" in French.

Cover photo: Collage: screnshot/Instagram/Kashe Quest

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