New mom hears loud moaning noises from her baby's room and gets a huge shock!

Edinburgh, UK - This was a whole different type of lullaby in the bedroom!

Dawn Lothian and her baby got a huge shock from their speaker (collage).
Dawn Lothian and her baby got a huge shock from their speaker (collage).  © Facebook/Screenshot/Dawn Lothian (3)

Dawn Lothian (29) from Edinburgh had just put her baby River to bed when she suddenly heard loud moaning noises coming from her baby's nursery at 11:30 PM.

"I muted the TV and went through to where my daughter was sleeping and right enough I heard the noises of it and I couldn't believe it," she told the Daily Record about the incident.

The 29-year-old was shocked – instead of projecting stars and soft music into the room, the baby's nightlight was playing loud sex noises!

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"Luckily my baby is far too young to understand what was going on," she said.

The new mom realized that the sound was coming from a neighbor's Bluetooth connection. The nightlight's speaker had connected to another device!

Dawn was caught off guard by the hardcore porn sounds and wanted to make sure the mishap never happened again.

The next morning, she left a note in her building's stairwell.

"Whoever was watching porn last night...can you please disconnect ASAP? Thanks," the Scottish woman wrote.

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While no one fessed up to the dirty deed, her message still seemed to do the trick.

"I haven't tracked down the neighbor but I think they got the point as it got disconnected," she said.

The mom will definitely check her daughter's new technology more closely next time.

Cover photo: Collage: Facebook/Screenshot/Dawn Lothian

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