Mother freaks out when she sees what her in-laws did to her baby
Internet – "Am I the a**hole?" a mother of three asked the Reddit community, after she banned her in-laws from going near her children.

The woman, who is expecting her fourth child with her husband in September, shared an unbelievable experience with her in-laws on the platform on Wednesday.
In a post, she explained that the relationship between her and her partner's parents has always been a bit tense, but since she wanted her children to get along with their grandparents, she put her grudge aside.
Last weekend, however, the user quickly regretted letting her kids spent a few hours with her in-laws.
"On our way back, we called to let them know we'd be there in about 20 minutes," she said, to which her mother-in-law replied that she had taken the children to a shopping center to look at toys.
"I heard my daughter crying in the background, which I didn't think much of since she's only 17 months old." It proved to be a fallacy.
When the children returned a few minutes later, the mother-to-be couldn't believe her eyes: Her little girl's ears had been pierced!
Reddit users agree: The in-laws are the assholes, not the mother!

"They knew we didn't want it to be done yet since they told us multiple times to 'take the chance while she's young and won't remember the pain' and every single time we said 'no, we want it to be her choice once she's old enough,'" the distraught mother wrote.
She became incredibly angry and yelled at her in-laws before leaving.
"So the day after that I called and said I was sorry about yelling at them but what they did was unacceptable. They still didn't see anything wrong with it and called me hormonal and irrational."
That took the cake for the mother-to-be, who told her in-laws that she didn't want them to be around her children again unless she or her husband were present.
On Reddit, she said she felt unsure of her decision, and questioned whether she should have handled things differently.
Users in her comment section, however, quickly reassured her, and overwhelmingly agreed: "NTA (not the asshole)! Your in-laws are!"
Cover photo: 123RF/lightfieldstudios