Teen tracker targets Russian bigwigs' jets
Orlando, Florida - Teen tech tracker Jack Sweeney, who became known for keeping tabs on billionaire Elon Musk, has a new set of targets since Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine.

University of Central Florida student Jack Sweeney is now tracking the aircraft of Russian VIPs, and is updating the world on their locations.
The 19-year-old has created a new fleet of Twitter accounts that detail distance travelled, cost of fuel, CO2 emissions, and of course, where the bigwigs' planes and choppers flew.
The accounts, many of which were created within the last week since the start of the Ukraine conflict, keep tabs on at least 21 Russian billionaires and business tycoons with close ties to Russian president Vladimir Putin. Sweeney has also brought his tracking prowess to the gaming platform Discord.
@RuOligarchJets, a main account that has over 278,000 followers, has focused its spying eyes on over 45 planes of major oligarchs, including jets registered to Putin.
They include six private jets and helicopters that belong to English soccer team Chelsea's owner Roman Abramovich, who Forbes says was once Russia's richest man. Abramovich's jet LX-RAY was spotted earlier on Wednesday on a 35-minute flight to the capital of Turkey, burning through roughly 300 gallons of fuel, which cost around $1,500 and emitted three tons of CO2.
Sweeney has not only focused his attention on the Russians. He's also built trackers that follow jets belonging to Bill Gates, Drake, and most notably, Elon Musk.
The teen's claim to fame came earlier this year, when he turned down $5,000 from Musk, who offered the tracker the modest sum in return for an end to his tracking of the billionaire's aircraft, Business Insider reported.
Sweeney's VIP jet tracker bots are a great way to keep up with the likely movements of the richest Russians, even if they tend to end up landing far from home. Many have noted how much of an asset his data could be to governments and business interests alike.
Cover photo: Collage: IMAGO/PA Images, Andreas Berheide & Screenshot/Twitter/JxckSweeney