Newegg slammed for abysmal customer service in scorching Gamers Nexus call out videos
Los Angeles, California - YouTubers and gamers alike rely on new and used PC hardware to make content or enjoy gaming. But one supplier landed in the limelight for the dubious honor of allegedly ripping off customers on a regular basis.

Newegg, a PC hardware and accessories marketplace, recently came under fire for a wave of customer service fails, one of which was (un)lucky enough to hit Gamers Nexus, a high-profile independent PC journalism channel on YouTube.
In his first report on the situation, channel owner and "host, ranter" Steve Burke explained how Newegg refused to reimburse GN for a returned $500 motherboard, which is a PC component that you plug all other parts into, like the graphics card and processor.
According to Gamers Nexus' correspondence with the supplier's Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA), the motherboard couldn't be reimbursed because it was damaged.
But the problem here was that Gamers Nexus never opened the package containing the motherboard, and could not have caused the damage.
Burke first tried the usual path of reaching out to customer service to explain the situation, but was told that the motherboard had bent pins, which need to be unbent in order to connect to a processor.
Only after Gamers Nexus posted its first video about the ripoff did Newegg begin calling him. After days of emailing back and forth with Newegg's customer service, Burke decided that he would simply stop by Newegg's front door for an interview.
Gamers Nexus is just about the last YouTube channel you want to drop a bad deal on, since Burke and his crew have been elbows deep in computers for decades, have over 1.5 million subscribers, and regularly call out gaming industry big wigs for sketchy or downright dangerous practices.
Newegg's customer support fails are not rare

The whole GN saga spans three videos so far, but they aren't the only YouTube tech reviewers that have had troubles with Newegg.
UFD Tech had a months-long struggle with Newegg over lack of payment for video sponsorship and charity deals.
UFD Tech dropped a video in which host Brett Sticklemonster says that Newegg suddenly offered to pay him three times what he was owed, but only after he tweeted about his troubles with the supplier.
This is a bad look for Newegg, because it mirrors the treatment Gamers Nexus got, and because most customers don't have the same options as big YouTube channels when they bump into the PC parts supplier's cold RMA shoulder.
As Burke points out, spending years building a channel and tweeting to get a resolution to your issue is not really an option for you and me.
Many Newegg customers have already responded to GN's tweets and videos saying they've run into the same scummy problems, mainly with RMA requests.
For now, Newegg has issued a statement saying it is aware of the situation and has made changes to its policy so that returns are less of a hassle and damaged goods aren't sent to customers.
Gamers Nexus said that it wants to give Newegg a chance to have a conversation, and the ideal outcome for Burke would be for the supplier to clean up its act and treat other customers fairly, not just big-time YouTubers.
Cover photo: Collage: Imago/agephotostock, ZUMA Wire