Latest NBA News

For news on the most recent NBA playoffs and games, the current NBA standings, scores, and more, stick to TAG24.
From gossip to sports reporting, this is the place to be for all the most recent NBA and Basketball News. From high-profile players and celebrities, to the results of specific NBA Games, TAG24 is here with the latest NBA Schedules, gossip, and controversies.
As always, professional and entertainment sports isn't only about the game itself. Instead, you'll find a variety of reporting here at TAG24, from the latest NBA player deals and trades, to the most recent legend to come from the Knicks. If you like Basketball and the NBA then you've definitely come to the right place.
What's up with the Lakers recently? Who have the Celtics snagged recently? What's Michael Jordan up to at the moment? What's the latest drama? If you have any major questions about the current goings on at the NBA, or perhaps just want to know the current NBA Scores, then you shouldn't definitely stick with TAG24!
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