New York Climate Week: What to check out on Tuesday

New York, New York - Four virtual events lined up at NYC's Climate Week on Tuesday take a closer look at how nature, money, and corporations are connected to stopping climate change.

Members of Extinction Rebellion and their supporters gather September 17 in New York to demand action by the government and politicians to prevent catastrophic climate change.
Members of Extinction Rebellion and their supporters gather September 17 in New York to demand action by the government and politicians to prevent catastrophic climate change.  © IMAGO/Levine-Roberts/FrancesxM.xRoberts

Starting at 9:00 AM EST, "The Next Frontier: Investing in a Nature Positive Economy" is a virtual meeting on how nature and the global economy are intertwined and how they can grow together.

The session will also show where the financial sector can do its part to transition to a nature-positive economy.

A webinar called "Can emerging markets make the climate transition?" follows at 10:00 AM.
This hour is dedicated to finding out what challenges await countries and regions which are still growing economies. The event will focus on ways to measure progress on decarbonization goals for such markets.

Mice Two Dads: Chinese scientists successfully create mice with two fathers!
Science Mice Two Dads: Chinese scientists successfully create mice with two fathers!

Fighting deforestation and habitat change is the aim of the next event at 12:00 PM. "Nature Positive Solutions and the role finance can play on the transition in our food production system" focuses on how to keep making the food you want without destroying more ecosystems in the process.

Finally, "Corporate Climate Action That Actually Matters" rounds out the day, starting at 2:15 PM. This is a chance to see examples of what corporations need to do beyond pledges and roadmaps that haven't yet made effective change happen. This event will also be available to watch from September 23 to 25 for anyone who registers.

The NYC Climate Week is packed with events and runs through September 26.

Cover photo: IMAGO/Levine-Roberts/FrancesxM.xRoberts

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