Deck the halls of power: White House unveils new Christmas decorations

Washington D.C. - 62 Christmas trees, nearly 275 pounds of gingerbread dough, and thousands of lights: the White House has unveiled this year's Christmas decorations.

A large Christmas tree stands in the festively decorated Blue Room.
A large Christmas tree stands in the festively decorated Blue Room.  © imago images / UPI Photo

First lady Melania Trump (50) wrote on Twitter on Monday that the decorations are "a tribute to the majesty of our great Nation." This is the last Christmas that President Donald Trump (74) and his family will spend in the government headquarters. His term will end on January 20.

The White House Christmas tree fits just under the ceiling of the Blue Room, one of three state parlors on the first floor. Standing at 18 feet tall, the tree is decorated with ornaments designed by students from different parts of the country, interspersed among yellow bows and garlands.

The ornaments in the Red Room are dedicated to the coronavirus pandemic: ambulances hang from the tree, and a replica of a supermarket stands over the fireplace. Delivery services are also honored.

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The State Dining Room features a gingerbread house in the shape of the White House. In the Cross Hall, classic trees adorned primarily with red balls shelter packages with the words "Peace," "Love," and "Joy."

The First Lady personally selected "every detail" of the decorations, the White House said.

There is also a Christmas tree in the Green Room.
There is also a Christmas tree in the Green Room.  © imago images / ZUMA Wire
The Cross Hall, which connects the State Dining Room and the East Room, is decorated with festive Christmas trees.
The Cross Hall, which connects the State Dining Room and the East Room, is decorated with festive Christmas trees.  © imago images / ZUMA Wire
The Red Room features decorations honoring frontline workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Red Room features decorations honoring frontline workers during the coronavirus pandemic.  © imago images / ZUMA Wire

All in all, the decorations look quite impressive, given the former model's well-known thoughts on this part of her job.

At the beginning of October, recordings of a telephone conversation between Melania Trump and her former senior advisor and friend, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, surfaced all over the internet and the media.

In them, the first lady described in no uncertain terms her lack of interest in festive arrangements, at one point blurting out: "Who gives a f*** about Christmas stuff?"

Cover photo: imago images / ZUMA Wire

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