Cornel West announces presidential run with the Green Party

Washington DC - Dr. Cornel West has made a major announcement about his campaign for president, revealing he will enter the 2024 Green Party primary.

Dr. Cornel West has announced he is seeking the 2024 Green Party nomination for president.
Dr. Cornel West has announced he is seeking the 2024 Green Party nomination for president.  © ZACH GIBSON / AFP

"In the spirit of a broad United Front and coalition strategy, I am pursuing the nomination of the Green Party for President of the United States," West (70) said on Twitter.

Last week, the progressive political activist announced his bid for president as the candidate for the People's Party. His platform calls for strengthened labor protections, Medicare For All, student debt cancellation, an end to foreign military aid, and an accelerated transition to clean energy.

West's decision to run with the People's Party came as a surprise to some, with many wondering why the former Harvard and Princeton professor had not chosen to seek the Green Party nomination.

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Becoming the first third-party president ever elected was never going to be an easy feat, but the difficulties of getting his name on the ballot are even tougher with the structural issues that come with representing a newer party. In particular, the hurdles to getting third-party candidates on the ballot are very high, while the Green Party already has ballot access in 17 states.

West is now hoping to unite the People's Party and Green Party tickets, gaining more support and increasing the chances that voters will see his name when they go to the polls.

"The Green Party welcomes Dr. Cornel West as a candidate seeking the party's nomination for president," the party responded to the news. "Dr. West is an important voice for social and economic justice in line with our party's platform. We look forward to him participating in the nomination process."

Cornel West seeks to break through in crowded 2024 race

Dr. Cornel West is seeking to break the duopoly stranglehold on US politics by defeating Democratic incumbent Joe Biden and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.
Dr. Cornel West is seeking to break the duopoly stranglehold on US politics by defeating Democratic incumbent Joe Biden and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.  © ZACH GIBSON / AFP

West's bid for president pits him against incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden and former Republican President Donald Trump – the frontrunners from each of the establishment parties.

The 2024 Democratic primary field also includes progressive political activist Marianne Williamson and environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The Republican ticket features former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, ex-Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, talk radio host Larry Elder, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, ex-New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.

In the crowded 2024 race, a Green Party nomination – and the ballot access that comes with it – could give West a step up in his quest for the White House.

Cover photo: ZACH GIBSON / AFP

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