Latest Reparations News

The reparations movement in the United States has seen a major upswing in recent years, as part of a trend in nations around the world demanding apologies and compensation for the ongoing legacies of enslavement and racial oppression. TAG24 is your home for the latest developments in the US reparations movement.
Growing awareness of the need for reparations has been met with the creation of numerous task forces to study and develop reparations proposals, with cities like Evanston, Illinois, and states like California leading the charge. At the same time, momentum behind a national program is surging as activists and advocates around the country urge Congress to enact a federal reparations commission. These growing calls for justice are sure to shape American elections at all levels in the years to come.
Proponents are calling for comprehensive measures to erase modern-day racial disparities in wealth, income, education, employment, health, immigration experiences, and the criminal-legal system.
TAG24 is here to keep you up to date on all the latest news concerning the reparations movement in the United States and around the world. You’ll also find explorations of fundamental questions about the meaning of reparative justice, the need for reparations, and the scope of reparations proposals, all while centering voices in impacted communities.
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