Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter share the secrets to their marriage ahead of 75th wedding anniversary
Plains, Georgia – Just days before their 75th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter gave an interview sharing the secrets to their "full partnership."

Jimmy (96) and Rosalynn Carter (93) are the longest-married presidential couple in US history. Jimmy Carter is also the longest-lived US president.
Of all his achievements as a Navy midshipman, business owner, and president, there is one Carter says makes him proudest of all: deciding to marry Rosalynn.
In an interview with the Associated Press, the former president described the union as a "full partnership," as the two have worked together as equals on almost every endeavor.
But things haven't always been rosy for the couple. The Democrat recalled transplanting his family back to Georgia after his father died, saying he can't believe he didn't consult his wife before making the move, which Rosalynn wasn't very happy with.
The couple made the best of things, even starting their own farm supply business, where Rosalynn was apparently the brains behind the enterprise. She told the Associated Press, "I knew more on paper about the business than he did. He would take my advice about things," as her husband laughed and agreed.
Jimmy Carter also apparently decided on his own to run for president, but Rosalynn wasn't daunted. The former Commander in Chief acknowledged, "My wife is much more political," before Rosalynn jumped in, adding, "I love it. I love campaigning. I had the best time. I was in all the states in the United States. I campaigned solid every day the last time we ran."
In the White House, Rosalynn set up her own East Wing Office, working together with the president's aides particularly on legislation around health care and mental health. She continued to be active in those areas after her years as first lady by setting up the Carter Center in Atlanta with her husband.
Probably thanks to his wife's influence, Jimmy Carter has become a vocal supporter of women's rights and marriage rights for same-sex couples.
The Carters share their marriage advice

For those looking for the secrets to a successful marriage, President Carter had one main piece of advice: "My biggest secret is to marry the right person if you want to have a long-lasting marriage."
But the couple also got more specific on their recipe for a long and happy love life: "Every day there needs to be reconciliation and communication between the two spouses. We don’t go to sleep with some remaining differences between us," the happy husband explained.
The spouses, both Christians, read the Bible aloud together each night, a cherished tradition they have maintained over decades of marriage.
Rosalynn Carter also shared her advice, saying it's important to find common interests but also take time for oneself: "Jimmy and I are always looking for things to do together," she said, while also adding that "each (person) should have some space. That’s really important."
The former president and first lady plan to hold an anniversary party in their hometown of Plains to celebrate their enduring union.
Cover photo: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire