George Santos dropped by Trump's arraignment and it all went horribly wrong

New York, New York - New York Representative and walking, talking controversy George Santos visited the Manhattan courthouse on Tuesday to support Donald Trump during his arraignment – and it didn't go over too well.

On Tuesday, Congressman George Santos visited the courthouse where Donald Trump was being arraigned, and was met with various heckles and booing.
On Tuesday, Congressman George Santos visited the courthouse where Donald Trump was being arraigned, and was met with various heckles and booing.  © Collage: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

"I stood by Trump from the moment he came down the escalator, I voted for him in the primary and twice for president in the general elections," he shared on Twitter, along with a photo of himself, surrounded by a sea of reporters and protesters.

"Today I showed up, because that's what real supporters do, they show up for your best and your worse days."

Santos has always been an outspoken fan of Trump, and recently came out in his defense, describing the indictment as a "clear danger to our country and democracy."

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After he was elected to office, Santos was revealed to be a serial liar, having fabricated many aspects of his resume that helped him get the position.

He has also been caught telling falsehoods on multiple occasions – some of which he's admitted to, others not.

While many congressional colleagues and constituents have called for his resignation, which he has refused to do, he has become somewhat of a joke in discussions about politicians. So it's no wonder that New Yorkers weren't too keen on his visit.

George Santos' visit was not welcomed with open arms

Friends and fellow Donald Trump supporters Marjorie Taylor Greene and George Santos
Friends and fellow Donald Trump supporters Marjorie Taylor Greene and George Santos  © IMAGO / UPI Photo

While many if not most Republicans have stepped up to publicly defend Trump, Santos was only one of two high-profile politicians that actually showed up for the arraignment on Tuesday, with the other being George representative and QAnon enthusiast Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Their presence was overwhelmingly met with boos, however.

Santos, in particular, was hounded by the press and media, and some couldn't help but make his appearance into a joke.

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Politicians JD and Usha Vance get booed at Kennedy Center in wake of MAGA "takeover"

Jordan Klepper of The Daily Show, who regularly trolls people at Trump rallies and events, attempted to ask Santos some important questions.

"As first president of the United States, do you feel that you can actually handle the jurisprudence?" he sarcastically asked.

Santos ignored Klepper, even as the comedian ask him to "talk to us about your volleyball career" – a reference to the congressman's lie that he attended high school on a volleyball scholarship.

A video of Santos leaving the event, clearly upset and with his head down, has since been circulating around social media.

When asked by a reporter if he planned to come back, Santos responded: "No, 'cause you guys make it unbearable for me."

Cover photo: Collage: IMAGO / ZUMA Wire

More on George Santos: