Trump leaves young superfan in tears with surprise encounter

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Former President Donald Trump met a young doppelganger ahead of his latest rally in Philadelphia as the 2024 presidential race heats up.

Superfan Timmy (c.) came Philadelphia in a his best Trump costume.
Superfan Timmy (c.) came Philadelphia in a his best Trump costume.  © Screenshot/X/@margommartin

The Republican presidential candidate, who was convicted on felony charges last month, is currently touring the particularly competitive swing states.

On Saturday, Trump was on the hunt for votes in the hard-fought state of Pennsylvania and fired up the crowd at the Liacouras Center at Temple University in Philadelphia.

According to the Daily Mail, the ex-president used the day to make a short detour to a sandwich shop named Tony and Nick's Steaks in the run-up to his rally.

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A little surprise was waiting for him there – literally.

Footage shared to X shows the moment he met a young boy named Timmy, who is utterly infatuated with Trump – so much so that he was rocking the 78-year-old's usual red tie, dark blue suit, and unmistakable "Trump toupee."

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The little Trump fan couldn't hold back his emotions in front of the former president.
The little Trump fan couldn't hold back his emotions in front of the former president.  © Screenshot/X/@margommartin

The boy seemed visibly nervous when Trump approached and could hardly believe his luck.

The Republican then pulled out a 20-dollar bill, which he signed with a thick black marker pen under the curious gaze of his little fan.

Trump wanted to give it a better value, as he jokingly added.

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The moment was too much for the boy at this point, and Timmy then burst into tears.

Trump even made the boy a very (un)presidential offer, shouting to Timmy, "If your parents don't want you, I'll take you!"

Trump is set to face off against his election opponent, President Joe Biden, in their first debate of 2024 on Thursday.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/X/@margommartin

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