New book reveals Trump's damning words about evangelical Christians behind closed doors
Palm Beach, Florida - An upcoming book reveals some damning things former President Donald Trump has said about evangelical Christians in the past.

Tim Alberta, a reporter for the Atlantic, will soon release his new book The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism.
According to The Guardian, which received an advanced copy, Alberta recalls an embarrassing moment for Trump that took place back in 2016 during an event at Liberty University, an evangelical Christian college in Virginia.
When asked what his favorite Bible verse is, Trump mistakenly said "Two Corinthians" instead of "Second Corinthians."
Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research council, had advised Trump to give the answer, yet he ended up endorsing Florida Senator Ted Cruz, who was also running at that time, over Trump.
"The laughter and ridicule were embarrassing enough for Trump," Alberta recalls. "But the news of Perkins endorsing Ted Cruz, just a few days later, sent him into a spiral. He began to speculate that there was a conspiracy among powerful evangelicals to deny him the GOP nomination."
After Cruz's campaign began using the flub as an attack against Trump, he allegedly "told one Iowa Republican official, 'You know, these so-called Christians hanging around with Ted are some real pieces of s**t.'"
Many Evangelical Christians stand by Donald Trump
Alberta's claims come as Trump and a handful of other presidential hopefuls vie for the Republican nomination in the party's 2024 primaries. As Christian voters have long been the party's biggest demographic, Republican candidates have recently been going out of their way to appeal to them, particularly in key states like Iowa and New Hampshire.
Trump has somehow managed to establish a loyal fan base amongst Christian voters, despite not appearing to be religious at all or to represent traditional Christian values. In 2015, in a similarly embarrassing incident, he was asked during an interview with Bloomberg what his favorite Bible verse is, but he refused to answer the question.
The former president has also been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, has been accused of rape by writer E. Jean Carroll, and is facing 34 felony charges for hush money payments he made to Stormy Daniels, a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife.
Alberta's book is scheduled for release on Tuesday, December 5.
Cover photo: Brendan Smialowski / AFP