Donald Trump goads Ron DeSantis in response to question of 2024 Republican nominee
Palm Beach, Florida - Former President Donald Trump won't commit to supporting the 2024 Republican presidential nominee if that someone isn't him.

"It would depend. I would give you the same answer I gave in 2016," Trump said in an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. "It would have to depend on who the nominee was."
Judging by his comments on Ron DeSantis, who has emerged as his most potent potential presidential rival, Trump wouldn't bee too well-disposed towards the Florida governor.
"(DeSantis) begged me, begged me, for an endorsement," the ex-president told Hewitt, referencing the 2018 Republican primary. "He was getting ready to drop out."
"There were tears coming down from his eyes," Trump added bombastically. "He said, 'If you endorse me, I'll win.' So I end up doing it, and he wins."
Of course, this is all pretty mild compared to Trump's previous statements on DeSantis, whom he's called a "RINO" (Republican in name only) and a "globalist," a negative buzzword on the far right.
Trump is the only announced candidate for the Republican nomination so far. But others are poised to jump into the race, including Trump’s former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, who’s planning a February 15 special announcement.
She had previously said she wouldn't run if Trump was mounting his own campaign.
Cover photo: REUTERS