Claudia De la Cruz issues socialist response to Biden's State of the Union
New York, New York - Socialist presidential candidate Claudia De la Cruz tore President Joe Biden apart following his Thursday State of the Union address.

Biden's State of the Union remarks sought to draw a sharp contrast between himself and 2024 Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. In a campaign-style speech, the incumbent Democrat boasted about his economic record, his promotion of cruel new border policies, and his support for reproductive rights.
But with the US funding an Israeli genocide in Gaza and gross economic inequality at home, it's safe to say many Americans weren't feeling Biden's address this year.
Claudia De la Cruz, presidential candidate with the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), tapped into those frustrations, slamming what she sees as Democratic Party collusion in the erosion of basic human rights.
"The problem with Joe Biden is not that 'he’s too old.' He is going to lose his re-election bid because millions of people are disgusted that he is a partner with [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu in Israel's mass killing spree in Gaza," De la Cruz said in a statement following the State of the Union.
In addition to billions in military funding the US government provides Israel each year, the Biden administration has reportedly approved over 100 arms sales since the assault on Gaza began.
The weapons transfers have earned the president widespread accusations of complicity in genocide.
Biden's economic and abortion rights record under scrutiny

Domestically, the economy isn't looking too hot either as many Americans struggle to make ends meet despite skyrocketing food prices and child poverty rates.
De la Cruz said Biden bears direct responsibility for these conditions by stopping subsidies for working-class families, failing to freeze food prices, and ending the eviction moratorium.
"The real state of the union for 160 million people in the United States is they are still living in or very near to poverty three years after Biden took office," the PSL candidate insisted.
De la Cruz also ripped the president's record on abortion rights, a signature issue in the Biden-Harris reelection campaign.
"When Biden took office in 2021 the Democrats controlled the White House, Senate and the House of Representatives. It was precisely then that women lost the right to abortion," the South Bronx native said.
"They could have legalized abortion nationwide through new legislation, but the Democrats did absolutely nothing to preserve abortion rights when the ultra-right wing religious zealots on the Supreme Court decided that they and not women should control the bodies of women."
Claudia De la Cruz inspires with new vision for the White House

Biden's support for Israel, as well as his failure to deliver for Black Americans and to adequately address the existential crises facing working-class people, has resulted in dwindling support among youth, progressive, and non-white voters.
Record numbers of Democratic voters have cast "uncommitted" ballots in primary races this year – a protest option that has become directly tied with the current administration's policy toward Israel and Gaza.
De la Cruz has hailed the success of the "uncommitted" campaign as a "register of the deep anger that exists among people who typically vote for Democrats."
Instead of more business as usual, De la Cruz and her running mate, Karina Garcia, aim to bring a new vision to the White House, one that puts the working class first.
"We would cut the military budget by 90%. We would end all aid to Israel," the presidential hopeful said. "Instead of begging the capitalists in the pharmaceutical industry to lower the price of medicine we would seize these companies, make them public utilities and provide free health care for all people which is an easily achievable goal."
De la Cruz and Garcia are currently fighting for ballot access in as many states as possible. Ultimately, their campaign is about building a movement for social transformation from the ground up.
Cover photo: Claudia de la Cruz for President