Butch Ware flexes Green Party tax policy in gym address to Trump supporters
Santa Barbara, California - Green Party vice-presidential nominee Dr. Butch Ware took a moment out of his weight-lifting routine to deliver a special message to Republican voters.

"This is a message for the Trump supporters," Ware opens the clip while pumping iron at a Gold's Gym location. "Are y'all tired of being called racists?"
"I know that Trump is a racist, and there's a lot of white supremacists that side with that party, but I don't believe by a long shot [...] that most of you guys are racists," the VP hopeful continues.
"What I think is you guys realize that there's no moral difference between crooked Democrats and crooked Republicans, and all other things being equal, you'd rather pay less in taxes."
"What if I told you that Dr. Jill Stein and I can cut your personal income taxes and your small business taxes with two simple steps?"
These include making sure the wealthiest corporations and individuals are paying their fair share, as well as breaking up monopolies to give small businesses a better chance to thrive.
The Stein-Ware campaign platform further calls for reducing taxes on incomes below the real median income of $75,000 per household.
Under a Green administration, the US government would save trillions by dramatically cutting funding for the endless war machine, Ware says, which would also decrease income taxes for everyday Americans. The National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies found that the average taxpayer in 2023 contributed $5,109 toward US militarism and its support systems.
"Does that sound pretty good to you guys? Because it sounds damn good to me as a small business owner," Ware insists. "I'm tired of Uncle Sam taking a cut off the top to go murder other people's kids."
Jill Stein and Butch Ware fend off Democratic attacks

Ware's video address comes as the Greens fight off what allies have described as a coordinated smear campaign intended to undermine third-party presidential candidates.
The UC Santa Barbara academic and activist had apparently fueled up for the gym sesh the day before with a meal of steak, eggs, and beans, which he enjoyed while recording a clip blasting Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison.
Ellison, over the weekend, became the latest elected Democrat to attack Stein and the Greens, suggesting the presidential contender does not prioritize party-building or back down-ballot candidates.
The Green Party has thoroughly denied the claims. Numerous current and former down-ballot candidates have taken to social media to testify to Stein's support and her grassroots activism over the years – and to slam Democratic legal maneuvers attempting to strip Green Party ballot access.
As the November election rapidly approaches, Stein and Ware are hoping their anti-corporate, anti-war message may resonate with voters across the political spectrum who are frustrated with the two-party system.
"I know they [who] go over there on Team Red are only there because it's good for your bottom line," Ware says in his video.
"Leave Trump behind. Rock with the Green Party. Peace."
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/X/Butch Ware