Latest Barack Obama News

TAG24 brings you all the latest news regarding former US President Barack Obama. From his latest appearances and statements, to his newest book deal, this is the place to be.
Whilst there may have been two Presidents since Barack Obama left office in 2017, he's still a powerful figure in American politics and a major spokesperson for the Democratic Party. From massive book deals to speeches and TV Shows, Obama has certainly been busy over these last five years.
Did you want to celebrate Barack Obama's birthday? Do you want some interesting Obama facts like his birthday and age? What about Barack Obama's net worth, or what he thinks of Joe Biden's presidency? TAG24 is the go-to spot for all things Barack Obama, both when it comes to news and when it comes to fun facts.
From the latest bill that Obama has come out in support of to the latest controversy he has been embroiled in, from his latest venture with Michelle Obama to his most recent book deal, stick to TAG24 for your Barack Obama News.
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