Alabama state parties call for council member's resignation over horrifying use of racial slur
Tarrant, Alabama – A Tarrant, Alabama city council member is going viral over a racist rant at a local council meeting, sparking public outcry and calls for his resignation.

After being asked about his wife's usage of the n-word on social media, white Republican Tommy Bryant shocked participants at the Tarrant city council meeting on Monday evening by saying, "Let’s get to the n-word."
He then proceeded to ask, "Do we have a house n***er in here?" He was apparently referring to another city council member, Veronica Freeman, who is Black, Bama Politics reported.
Shortly thereafter, Freeman can be seen crying into her hands before walking away, still in tears.
The council meeting attendees then discussed racial issues for another half hour, with the city's first Black mayor, Republican Wayman Newton, proposing another session specifically dedicated to the topic. When asked if he would attend, Bryant said he would "have to think about that."
It's not the first time Bryant has come under fire for racist remarks.
The local politician previously called Newton "boy," inciting the mayor to use "foul language" to shut him down. Newton explained that the diminutive term has been historically used by white men to put Black men down, no matter what their age.
Bryant denied any racial underpinnings to his remark, saying he was merely trying to "turn the tide" on Newton's alleged attempts to instigate an argument.
When asked whether he's racist, Bryant told WVTM-TV, "It’s according to what your definition of the word racist is. What a lot of the public’s definition is, I might be a racist. But according to what the true definition of a racist is, absolutely not."
Both state parties call for Bryant's resignation

Both the Alabama Republican and Democratic parties have since called for Bryant's resignation.
State GOP Chairman John Wahl said, "The Alabama Republican Party is deeply troubled by the racially charged outburst and disrespect shown by Councilman Tommy Bryant. Such language is completely unacceptable in any setting, and even more concerning coming from an elected official."
"We are proud to have Mayor Wayman Newton as a member of the Jefferson County Republican Party and deeply appreciate his commitment to serving his constituents honorably, even in the face of adversity," Wahl continued.
The state Democratic Party issued a statement calling Bryant "racist" and "unfit to serve."
"Alabama still has a long way to go when it comes to race, but cozying up to the KKK and using the n-word should make you unfit to serve. These racists belong in the history books with Bull Connor and George Wallace, not on the taxpayer's payroll," they said.
What is the city councilman doing in the face of such clear calls for his removal? He said he plans to run for mayor instead.
Cover photo: Screenshot/YouTube/Bama Politics