Texan teacher in trouble after shocking photo with Black student emerges online
Greenville, Texas - One shocking photo circulating on social media has caused a school district in Texas to place a teacher on administrative leave while it conducts an investigation.

Just before the end of the trial of Derek Chauvin, the white police officer who was convicted of murdering George Floyd (†46), this image surfaced on social media showing a white teacher's foot pressed into the neck of an elementary school student.
On Wednesday morning, the district in charge of Greenville Independent School launched an investigation after putting the teacher in question on administrative leave.
Inspector Demtrus Liggins expressed dismay over the incident, saying, according to NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth, "I am disgusted by it, just without additional information."
He said he learned of the photo Tuesday night during a school board meeting and immediately asked someone to reach out to the family to make sure the eleven-year-old child was okay.
"We do believe in respecting and treating all of our neighbors and especially our students and families within district with dignity and respect. And we are a community that truly embraces and respect each other, our differences, and celebrate the many cultures that exist here," Liggins said.
But why did the teacher take this photo in the first place?
It's all a joke?

According to the 11-year-old's mother, who did not want to reveal her name to the media, it was all just a big misunderstanding. Her son and the teacher, who she said have a very friendly relationship, were supposedly just making a very dark joke.
The mom said her sister posted the picture on social media. From there, the drama took its course.
The mother tried to salvage what she could in the aftermath, and explained that she had a great relationship with the teacher, who clearly meant it as a joke.
What she definitely didn't want was for the teacher to lose her job, she said, adding that the teacher had since called her, promising that she loved the student and would never do anything to hurt him.
Now the district in charge must decide what to do next with the teacher.
Cover photo: Facebook/Screenshot/Lakadren Jackson