How to make a New Year's vision board and manifest your dream life in 2025!
As we look to kick the new year off on the right foot, some social media users have taken to creating viral vision boards to manifest the best lifestyle for 2025.

With an array of possible resolutions, pledging to do everything from reading more books to traveling to new countries, it can be overwhelming to hone in on your goals and intentions for the new year.
While vision boards are certainly not a new concept, social media is helping to make them more creative and effective than ever.
From TikTok to Instagram, vision boards are being posted online as social media users share their plans for the year.
Many vision boards also include health or fitness goals, love and relationship manifestos, and fashion inspo for the coming year.
If you're looking to manifest a better and brighter 2025, here's what you need to know about vision boards!
What are vision boards?

Vision boards are collages that serve as a visual representation of the goals one hopes to realize in the new year.
They are often considered a form of manifestation, with some viewing it as a powerful ritual that one should sit with and focus on throughout the year.
From career aspirations to dream vacations, these boards can help you visualize all that you hope to achieve.
The boards typically include a curated collage of photos depicting one's goals and inspiring quotes to cultivate an overall lifestyle that will promote growth in 2025.
Some vision boards by content creators even include screenshots of ideal follower counts or other accolades they hope to reach.
To start planning your vision board, create a clear list of realistic goals to serve as a foundation and go from there!
How do you make a vision board?

Thanks to today's tech-savvy world, it's easier than ever to create aesthetically pleasing vision boards.
If you prefer to go the handmade route, pick up a plain poster board at your local arts and crafts shop to get started. These stores also have great options for decorative elements, including accent stickers or textured backgrounds.
On the digital side of things, design sites like Canva offer free templates for creating your board.
The next step involves finding photos. For physical boards, magazines can help cut out the printing problem and provide an array of gorgeous photos to use on your board. Secure with tape or a glue stick.
Pinterest is your best friend when it comes to finding the perfect inspirational photos and quotes for your board. The site allows you to create separate albums, making it even easier to sort out your different goals.
If you're going the physical route, try printing the photos on glossy paper for an extra impressive effect.
It's not always necessary to make a board depicting tangible goals. Creating a collage with the vibe and energy you want to rock in the new year is a great way to go. Use words or photos that strike a chord or spark joy, even if you may not know why they are resonating at the moment.
Try playing music while you create your board to get you in the right headspace, either zen meditation music or tunes reflective of the mood you're hoping to bring into your next phase. Light a candle while you do the activity, and think about the intention behind the choices you make on your path to come.
Happy manifesting!
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@kiyana.ebrahimi & @valerieescobar