YouTuber Behzinga gets the tattoo treatment by one of the UK's finest artists

Chessington, UK - One tattoo artist is showing off an over-the-top ink session with YouTuber Behzinga aka Ethan Payne.

Tattoo artist Dan (r.) with A Star Tattoos inks YouTuber Ethan Payne aka Behzinga.
Tattoo artist Dan (r.) with A Star Tattoos inks YouTuber Ethan Payne aka Behzinga.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@astartattoos

When you're a well-known tattoo artist, you never know if or when a celebrity or influencer will come across your radar asking for a new piece of ink.

Take Dan from A Star Tattoos in the UK, for instance. While the artist has tattooed quite a few notable celebs, his recent work on YouTuber Ethan Payne aka Behzinga went viral thanks to the power of TikTok.

In a clip on the shop's dedicated TikTok that's amassed over one million views, Dan takes viewers on a road trip to meet up with and tattoo Behzinga.

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The video starts with Dan driving to an undisclosed location, then pivots to showcase the artist's mobile station that's set up in what appears to be a living room.

He then reveals Behzinga's requested ink was rather sentimental and included getting his daughter's birthdate inked on his neck in Roman numerals.

Though the side of one's neck is one of the more painful places to get inked, Dan shared via on-screen text that the YouTuber "sat like a champ" as it was "easy work for him" to endure.

The end result was impressively clean, and TikTok users were quick to share their thoughts about Dan's work in the comments section.

One social media user wrote, "Your [sic] actually amazing at tattoos ive seen so much of your work," while another added, "Crisp looking nice work."

There's nothing more visually pleasing than a solid tattoo job!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/@astartattoos

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