UK girl goes viral after lips swell in massive tattoo blunder: "It was worth it"

Manchester, UK - Tash Evans went viral after her lips swelled up to five times their natural size due to a radical tattooed lipstick procedure. Still, she has no regrets.

Tash Evans has gone crazy viral after a tattoo procedure gone wrong caused her lips to swell up to five times their natural size.
Tash Evans has gone crazy viral after a tattoo procedure gone wrong caused her lips to swell up to five times their natural size.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@tashhhhha2

Over the course of a few days, a series of viral posts sent Tash Evans from relative obscurity to a social media phenomenon with millions of views.

The post? Her incredibly swollen lips.

Evans wanted to puff up her lips a little bit to accentuate her pout. To do so, she opted for a lip blush tattoo on January 18, getting some extra color and definition added to her mouth.

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In a dramatic reaction, her lips swelled up to such a size that she even compared herself to a creepy character from Disney and Pixar's 2001 film Monsters, Inc.

Speaking to Need to Know, Evans said she'd had lip filler before but experienced no problems, so didn't expect to have such a dramatic reaction to the tattoo procedure.

"This has never happened before, but tattooing is different," she said. "I have a massive bottom lip and a tiny top lip, so I had filler and didn't have any regrets. Nobody else noticed it, but I felt like my lip outline was blurry, so I wanted to get blush to even it out."

"The lady who did it said the swelling would go down by the evening, but it took about two days. I had to wear a mask to Asda, and luckily I booked the day off work on Monday for my boyfriend's birthday."

While her lips did eventually deflate, and she's happy with the end-result, it was quite a traumatic experience for Evans, who almost went to the emergency room to get the situation checked out. Still, she doesn't blame the tattooist.

"It was worth it for the laugh. I made about a million people's day," Evans joked. "I don’t think it’s the practitioners fault. She was really nice and responded promptly to my messages."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@tashhhhha2

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