Tattoo risk-taker forks over thousands for a "TattooGate" fail

Ontario, Canada - One woman spent thousands on a tattoo consultation, rough sketch, and processing. Oddly enough, the tattoo itself wasn't included in the outlandish price. Instead of getting the animal tattoo of her dreams, Courtney Monteith fell into a financial predicament.

Courtney Monteith had to pay over $2,500 for this tattoo sketch.
Courtney Monteith had to pay over $2,500 for this tattoo sketch.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/running_mom_of_boys

Courtney had become aware of tattoo artist Lindsay Joseph of Lucid Tattoos in Ontario via Instagram, and she was enthusiastic about her work.

However, things got weird once she made contact with the artist, which Courtney details in a series of TikToks that are racking up views.

What many social media users have dubbed "TattooGate" first started when Courtney was made aware that Lindsay expected her to put down a nonrefundable $180 deposit, plus a $1,000 consultation fee, per her first TikTok.

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Courtney then proceeded to show the artist two concept photos for a half sleeve design featuring a fox, butterflies, and floral designs.

After paying the consult fee and booking her tattoo appointment with Lindsay, Courtney explains that the artist then hit her with three different options for a "design fee."

This is where many TikTok users tuning in noticed a few red flags, and they didn't stop there.

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The reference photos of the desired tattoo hardly resemble the sketch the artist drafted.
The reference photos of the desired tattoo hardly resemble the sketch the artist drafted.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/running_mom_of_boys

The first "design fee" option Lindsay hit Courtney with starts at $1,500 and includes a concept sketch with one minor change and a final design.

The second starts at $3,500 and includes two concept sketches, a few changes, and the final design. Option three is $6,000, and includes multiple sketches and reviews, along with the final design.

Given how blindsided Courtney was at this point, she chose the $1,500 option. However, the one and only concept sketch she was allotted did not meet her wishes or expectations, nor did it back up the outlandish price she'd paid up to that point.

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She immediately told the tattoo artist, who proceeded to demand she fork over the difference between the first option and the second one, which is roughly $2,000.

Courtney was already overwhelmed with the "design fee" price she paid, but when she learned she would have to pay even more to actually get the tattoo inked on her body, she couldn't believe it.

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Courtney's story moved many people, including tattoo artists who have sent her sketches of her desired tattoo completely free of charge.
Courtney's story moved many people, including tattoo artists who have sent her sketches of her desired tattoo completely free of charge.  © Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/running_mom_of_boys

Courtney ultimately decided not to follow through with the costly ink, and asked for a refund.

However, Lindsay refused.

"No. I'm not refunding you anything, I have given you options of moving forward, I have been kind, patient, and have fulfilled my duties to you this far," the tattoo artist allegedly told Courtney, according to a follow-up video.

"If you don't want to move forward, that is your choice, but I'm not giving you my time, expertise, and creativity for nothing."

Courtney never received a dime back. However, thanks to her story making such big waves on TikTok, big-name artists quickly took notice and many started sending her sketches for a new tattoo.

One tattoo artist from California even offered to draft it up for free.

"I'm overwhelmed by everything," Courtney told Insider. "But I'll keep posting my journey on my TikTok page so everyone who has been so supportive will get to see the amazing tattoo I had hoped for."

Tattoo artist Lindsey Joseph, on the other hand, has switched her social media accounts to private as supporters of Courtney continue to leave her less than stellar Google reviews. Lindsay is also being "attacked from all sides" and even receiving death threats.

The artist told Insider that her side of the story "needs to be told" as well, but she did not comment on how or when.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/TikTok/running_mom_of_boys

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