Ink fever! Five least painful places to get tattooed
If the fear of pain has been holding you back from getting a tattoo, fret not! Here are five of the least painful places to get inked.

How many times have you searched the depths of Pinterest or Instagram on the hunt for the perfect tattoo, only to psych yourself out with fear of what it might feel like to actually get one?
We get it: the buzzing of a tattoo gun along with the mere fact there's a needle at the end of it can cause some real anxiety.
But if you're truly committed to the idea of decorating your body with ink, there are ways to dip your toe into the waters of body art without enduring too much discomfort along the way.
Contrary to popular belief – or what your parents might be saying in efforts to detract from your ink itch - there are several places to get tatted that won't cause utter agony.
Whether you're looking for the least painful place to start your tattoo journey, or want ideas of where to get inked next, check out a few of the least painful places to get tatted.
Forearms and biceps

We should preface this by saying no tattoo is a walk in the park. After all, it does involve getting ink permanently injected into the second layer of one's skin.
With that being said, there are places that show more mercy than others, and your forearms and biceps are two of them.
For those who would rather hide the ink they got, it's understandable that areas like your wrist, ankle, or behind your ear might seem a bit more inviting.
Listen: If you're OK with enduring the severe amounts of pain associated with even the daintiest of tats in these areas, by all means – live your life!
But if you'd rather save some face and start your ink journey in the most "comfortable" way possible, opting for something on your forearms or biceps might be the move.
Shoulders and upper back

Because your shoulders have less pain receptors than other areas of the body, it makes for the perfect place to add decor in the form of a tattoo.
This added with the fact there's more cushion on your shoulders, so the tattoo needle isn't vibrating against your bones, makes it an ideal spot to add ink without an endless flow of tears.
The upper back is another great area to add buzzy body art. It may seem surprising, considering It's proximity to the spine and shoulder blades.
So long as you're not getting tatted straight up and down your spine, the upper back is a far less tormenting spot to start or grow your collection.
Outer thighs

If you've ever wondered why so many people seem to be on board with thigh tattoos as of late, there's one substantial reason: the area is relatively low on the pain scale.
Does this mean every single inch of one's thigh is breezy compared to that of, say, your shin or ankle? Not at all.
But it does give you some room to work with, especially if blatantly visible tattoos aren't your cup of tea – at least for now.
Because thighs – particularly the outer thigh – have more fat, muscle, and thicker skin than other places on the body, it's a far less painful area to get inked.
No tattoo comes without some amount of irritation, but these five places are far less pain-inducing than others. Just one question remains: what are you waiting for?
Cover photo: Lillian Suwanrumpha/AFP