Ink addict Remy reveals how he deals with hours of tattooing pain

Lethbridge, Canada - Remy Schofield is covered in ink from head to foot, with many areas of his skin featuring multiple layers of tattoos. Now, he has shared how he copes with the pain of his project.

Remy has had so many tattoos that he barely feels the pain anymore.
Remy has had so many tattoos that he barely feels the pain anymore.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral__remy

Remy has made a name for himself on social media, where he shares his thoughts and views on tattoos and body modification, as well as his own unique inkings and mods.

With more than 70,000 followers on Instagram, where he goes as @ephemeral__remy, Schofield has advocated for tattooing over black, and shows off his insane transformation on a near-daily basis.

The extent of the body mods has prompted one fan to say: "I just want to know how you endure so many hours of pain."

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Now, Remy has responded with a surprising, and somewhat revealing, answer.

Remy reveals his response to the pain of getting tattooed

In a video posted to his Instagram feed, Remy appeared shirtless, with his impressive collection of inkings in clear view. He revealed that he's had so many tattoos that he doesn't really feel the pain anymore.

"To be honest with you, I don't even really think about the pain during or after or before or at any point anymore," he explained to his fans. "I've had too much of it, and you just don't even think about it anymore."

"Like, it's a non-factor for me. The only thing that I'm thinking about is the progression and sometimes the healing if I am getting work done on my hands or palms or feet or something."

"But realistically the pain is just a non factor for me, and it's just the price of admission," Remy said.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@ephemeral__remy

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