Influencer gets savage revenge tattoos to troll online haters

Tampa, Florida - Having dealt with cyberbullies and negativity throughout his TikTok career, Ethan – who likes to go by "Internet Sweetheart" – decided to get revenge tattoos to clap back at the haters.

Internet Sweetheart has started tattooing his body with brutal rebuttals against online haters.
Internet Sweetheart has started tattooing his body with brutal rebuttals against online haters.  © Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@modern_day_angel

In what may be one of the most savage rebuttals of online trolling, Internet Sweetheart has become known for having unflattering details of his hater's lives tattooed onto his skin.

One particularly savage example saw Ethan clap back at a user who had insinuated he should take his own life and had called him a "waste of oxygen."

In retaliation, he found through her Facebook page that her son had been taken away by Child Protective Services. He then got a tattoo of her son, taped across the mouth with the words "Property of Child Protective Services."

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Speaking to Vice News, Internet Sweetheart explained that he's been trolled constantly due to his sexuality and the way he looks.

After hitting back on TikTok, his accounts were banned, but he always manages to reappear. As of writing, he currently goes by @modern_day_angel on TikTok.

"I realized that engaging with the trolls and the haters, clapping back at people and all that stuff, was getting a lot of views and a lot of attention," he said. "I was like, 'What else can I do to make this blow up?'"

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Another example of Ethan's savagery saw him get back at a woman who'd had his account banned by contacting her husband while impersonating a blonde 20-year-old named Heather.

After her husband claimed to be single, he posted a video online, telling the woman: "I've been talking to your husband. He says he's not married. He says he's single."

It was an instant viral hit.

Revenge tattoos have now become par-for-the-course for Internet Sweetheart, who has spent more than $10,000 on getting increasingly salty body art.

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/TikTok/@modern_day_angel

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