Florida man takes on trolls by tattooing their insults into his skin

Tampa, Florida - Ethan Scarcelli has taken the words and insults of internet bullies and tattooed them across his skin in an attempt to "hold up a mirror to their behavior."

Ethan Scarcelli has covered his skin in tattoos based on the words of internet trolls and bullies.
Ethan Scarcelli has covered his skin in tattoos based on the words of internet trolls and bullies.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@the_internet_sweetheart

With a sizable following of 284,000 on Instagram, where he goes as @the_internet_sweetheart, Ethan Scarcelli is famous for more than just his collection of tattoos.

Instead, Scarcelli uses his notoriety to bring attention to and slay the trolls that make the internet such an unpleasant place to be sometimes. He fancies himself a real-life Batman – call center worker by day, vigilante by night.

"I’m not just clapping back at trolls," he said in one video. "I’m making a statement. I’m holding up a mirror to their bad behavior and saying, ‘This is who you are.’"

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Adorning Scarcelli's back is what he calls a "wall of shame," a collection of tattoos inspired by the many trolls he's had to deal with.

In one particularly brutal inking that he received a few years ago, Ethan clapped back at an insulting commenter by getting a tattoo of her son, with the words "Property of Child Protective Services" taped across his mouth.

He also has the name of a hater's ex-boyfriend inked into his skin and even a Grim Reaper with the portrait of a particularly malicious troll's dead father.

"People say I go too far," The Daily Star cited Scarcelli as saying. "But these trolls come for me first. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out."

"I go to different artists, and they either think I’m a genius or a lunatic. But it’s worth every penny. It’s my way of saying, ‘Think before you type.’"

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@the_internet_sweetheart

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