Extreme tattoo addict Black Alien reveals why he still wants to amputate his leg
Madrid, Spain - In light of the many extreme body modifications and tattoos that Anthony Loffredo has made, getting a leg amputated could well be considered the next natural evolution.

In a recent documentary published by the UK's Channel 4, Loffredo revealed his true ambition to become the world's first "Black Alien," telling viewers that his transformation was only 46% complete.
As part of that same interview, the "Black Alien" revealed some of the more gory details of what he has planned for himself. With both ears and two of his fingers already removed, his next big step is even more extreme.
Despite the difficulty he already has finding jobs due to his looks, Anthony Loffredo's wants to have his leg amputated – and replaced with something more radical.
"Black Alien" tattoo addict wants his leg amputated
In the documentary, Loffredo reveals he'd like to replace one of his legs with a robotic prosthetic.
Back in 2022, Loffredo also teased the procedure in a since-taken down post on his Instagram channel, which boasts 1.4 million followers and goes by @the_black_alien_project.
At the time, it was thought that he had gone through with the procedure, but seeing as the Channel 4 documentary dropped only recently and shows the tattoo addict with both legs intact, it seems that this change is still yet to come.
Despite the confronting nature of Loffredo's body modifications and tattoos, the "Black Alien" doesn't want people to be scared of him and insists that he is "still human."
"There are many people who don't want to understand," he told Channel 4. "They should open up their minds a little more, because we are all different, with different minds, different brains, and different tastes."
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/@the_black_alien_project