"Dragon girl" who went blind from eye tattoos gets horn implants

Brisbane, Australia - Amber Luke is famous for her ink addiction, which has seen her get tattooed all over the body, even on her eyes. Now, she has had subdermal "horns" implanted into her skull.

Amber Luke is known for her radical body modifications and eye tattoos.
Amber Luke is known for her radical body modifications and eye tattoos.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@amberluke666

Known to many as the "Dragon Girl" and to others as Australia's most tattooed woman, Amber Luke has spent more than $150,000 on extreme tattoos and body modifications.

Now, mere days after she returned for more eye tattoos despite being nearly blinded by them the last time she gave it a go, Luke has decided to get something equally radical implanted into her skull.

In a number of posts since her eye tattoos were finalized, Amber Luke has revealed two horns implanted into either side of her forehead.

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In a post to her Instagram, where she goes as @amberluke666, Luke shared a series of scantily clad snaps that showed off both of her forehead horns.

Amber Luke shows off new horn implants: "I'm a savage"

It is unknown who worked on the subdermal implants for her, but considering that Steve Haworth – the self-proclaimed "modfather" of subdermal implants – tattooed her eyes, he may likely have had something to do with it.

A few weeks ago, Amber Luke showed off her new mods in a rambling post where she celebrated her significant other and provided her typical commentary: "One can learn many great traits about themselves through self-evolution and learning about the human anatomy."

"Remember – this life is yours and yours only. It’s short. Live it exactly how you wish too – why are you letting family or friends do that head game for you? Be assertive and strong – let them know you don't associate with that negative energy; blood or not."

"I'm a savage," said Amber Luke in a post showing off her head horns. "I was raised with my brain half damaged."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@amberluke666

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