Canadian tattoo artist Remy finds new ways to add to his full body ink collection!

Canada - "Ephemeral" Remy is a tattoo artist from Canada who keeps finding new ways to change his inked-up body. With full body blackout tattoos, hardly an inch of Remy's tattooed skin is left uninked.

Remy's tattoos polarize with their extreme looks and full body coverage.
Remy's tattoos polarize with their extreme looks and full body coverage.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/ephemeral_remy

Remy is truly a walking work of art. After sacrificing hundreds of hours to achieve his current look, and most of his skin, he has managed to cover more than half of his body in tattoos.

His love of body modification doesn't end with ink either. He sports a variety of piercings and gauges, and has drawn masses of followers due to the quality of his body art, as well as the passion he gives to the subject.

"Ephemeral" Remy's tattoos have drawn online attention

Over 152,000 fans follow him Remy and his tattoos online, always keen for the latest update to the gallery he carries around on his body.

While Remy's transition to full body ink was certainly gradual, his Instagram posts tell the story of starting with his very first piercing at age six, and gradually changing things up over time.

But the Canadian tattoo artist is far from done with his transformation. Just recently, he shared a photo on Instagram showing off a new look to his followers.

Remy's tattoo transformation is documented on Instagram

Fans love Remy the tattoo man's new look

Over the last three years, Remy has changed his look considerably.
Over the last three years, Remy has changed his look considerably.  © Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/ephemeral_remy

Beyond his look, Remy's personal story is both tragic and beautiful. In his Instagram posts, he credits a supportive mom for loving him no matter what, and also letting him get a face piercing at age 12.

He also shares that he is a father, but that his son's mother passed away five years ago from cancer. The two have grown closer since, and Remy has also found new love as well.

And his new look? One of the biggest changes is his freshly shaved head, which helps him show off even more of the intricate ink-work.

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Also looking different is the black piercing underneath his lip, which is now a little smaller than the previous one. "I always thought I may have stretched my labret a bit farther than I should have, but it’s difficult to say no to yourself about things you love".

Overall, his fans are thrilled with the new look, praising Remy's style in the comments. Let's see where Remy goes from here!

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshot/Instagram/ephemeral_remy

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