Body mod fanatic who calls himself "Human Satan" removes fingers to create claws
Michel "Diabão" Praddo is famous for having turned himself into a "Human Satan" via the use of extreme body modifications and tattoos. His latest venture, however, is gruesome beyond words.

Praddo, who holds the world record for the most human horn implants, has covered himself in rubber modifications, black ink, eye tattoos, and piercings.
His latest adventure is not even the first of its kind that he has undertaken since deciding to turn himself into "Human Satan." A few years ago, he had his nose chopped off, leaving two Voldemort-like slits in his face.
Now, Praddo has taken after Anthony "Black Alien" Loffredo and chopped off multiple of his fingers in an attempt to create a "claw" instead of a hand.
In a post this week, Praddo revealed that he had amputated his pinky and ring fingers on both his left and right hands, nearly halving the number of fingers he has at his disposal.
"Removal of pinky finger on the left hand and partial ring finger I had on the right hand," Praddo said in a gruesome post on Instagram, translated from Portuguese, alongside a clip showing both of his hands.
"Brought the balance once again, thanks to my muse and modifier," he wrote while tagging body modification influencer Angelo Emmanoel Martinez Domingos. "You were f**ked!"
In a subsequent post the next day, Praddo complained about ghost pains and said that painkillers were no use to him.
"Today came the ghost pain," he said. "There is no painkiller that works in a little finger that doesn't exist!"
Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@diabao.praddo_diablo.praddo