"Black Alien" pierces amputated nose hole in latest grisly body modification

Barcelona, Spain - Anthony "Black Alien" Loffredo has made a name for himself via his radical body modifications and blackout tattoos. His latest change, though, was particularly grueling.

Anthony Loffredo has pierced his already-amputated nose.
Anthony Loffredo has pierced his already-amputated nose.  © Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@the_black_alien_project

With more than 1.3 million followers on Instagram, where he goes as @the_black_alien_project, Anthony "Black Alien" Loffredo has shared his ever-evolving transformation for years upon years.

From insane scarification on his head to intense eye tattoos and amputated limbs, as his name suggests, the "Black Alien" is on a quest to become something other than human.

Now, in a particularly gruesome new modification, Loffredo has pierced what remains of his already-amputated nose.

In a new video posted on social media, Anthony "Black Alien" Loffredo has revealed the next step in his long journey towards being a real-life extraterrestrial.

"Black Alien" pierces already amputated nose hole

The video shows body artist @mikypiercer66 giving Loffredo his brand-new piercing, the camera slowly panning in to show the procedure being done.

Loffredo looked nervous during the piercing, shuffling uncomfortably on the bench, slumping his shoulders in preparation, and slightly wincing, shaking as he got the piercing done.

Once it has been completed, the video cuts to a still of Loffredo's new nose piercing, which has been stuck to either side of his amputated nose hole.

"Nose piercing without the nose," Loffredo captioned the video. "Black Alíen Project Évolution Loading."

Cover photo: Collage: Screenshots/Instagram/@the_black_alien_project

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